A sensor speed of up to 26 kHz, a resolution rate of 4,096 measuring points per profile and a data interface for 3D sensors according to the latest standard: the cx4090HS is the first sensor module of the new C6 series from AT - Automation Technology to complement the modular 3D sensor concept. With a factor of 1.8, the module is almost twice as fast as the previous 4K models of the C5 and MCS series, so that the measurement possibilities in the 3D area thus reach a completely new level.

The aim of the development was to simplify the previous functions of the AT 3D sensors, to make integration into existing systems less complicated and also to optimise the product's response capabilities to a greater extent. The cx4090HS therefore now has features such as Multi Part and Multi Peak, which significantly expand the profile sensor's capabilities. The recorded 3D data can be evaluated even more extensively thanks to Multi Part and Multi Peak, which makes the analysis capability and also the settings of the sensor module much more flexible. In addition, the implementation of the standardised GeniCam 3D data interface makes the cx4090HS sensor inherently compatible with many software products and systems.
The new high-speed sensor module is particularly beneficial for applications such as wood inspections, electronics inspections, road surface inspections or tyre geometry inspections, for which both a large measurement width and a high resolution are required. As the cx4090HS can scan objects up to a width of 2 metres, it offers a perfect solution also for applications with a large measuring width.


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