As the manufacturing partner for Sanad Academy, the winner of the AED1million 2017 UAE Drones for Good prize, Immensa Technology Labs was faced with the task of redesigning and 3D printing the body of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) within a very short period of time. The decision to produce the drone using additive manufacturing was made only three weeks prior to the competition, at a time when the team at Sanad Academy realized that 3D printing was the only way by which they could realize their ambitious goals. Their aim was to manufacture a ‘lifeguard drone’ – a drone which did not only fly, but could also float on water and act as a lifebuoy for people who may be drowning.

Advances in manufacturing solutions include expansion of composite-compatible printers, Industry 4.0-ready systems with MTConnect, and production-level repeatability

Solutions include Carbon Fiber Filled Nylon 12 via Stratasys Direct Manufacturing and availability on two new production 3D printers.

Stratasys offers specialized high-repeatability solutions for aircraft interiors and other highly regulated production applications
Stratasys (Nasdaq: SSYS), a global leader in additive technology solutions, today unveiled a range of new solutions designed to

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